Treetorial - Pot Grown Tree

To help you decide which tree is right for you we have produced a series of "treetorials". We hope you enjoy learning a little bit more about the main species of Christmas trees grown in the UK and we help you decide which real tree you’ll bring home this year!

In this treetorial we feature the Pot Grown Christmas Tree. Whether you are limited on space or maybe you are looking for a second tree that the children can decorate (yes, maybe the ideal solution if you like the main tree decorated the 'correct' way!), or maybe you fancy a festive addition for your front door...the pot grown tree might be the one for you! And of course, after the festivities you can look after it in your garden and bring it in again next Christmas. You can get a variety of species as a pot grown tree, the one pictured is a Blue Spruce.

To keep your tree looking fresh and keep them looking their best over the festive period please see how to care for your tree.